Celergen Anti-Aging Cell Regenerative Therapy
Clinical Studies
BioDNA Cellular Marine Complex
A highly polymerized substance that presents high absorption, with no adverse effects at high doses. It has a considerable anti-oxidant potency and protects against radiation. Clinical studies point the efficacy of this complex in improving asthenia, osteoarthritis, periodontal disease and improving scarring.
E Peptide-Collagen Complex
This complex basically contains collagen and elastin and favours the hydration and elasticity. Studies suggest significant improvements in the attenuation of the fine line and wrinkles that are typical of ageing, while presenting beneficial aspects in patients with rheumatoid arthritis.
Hydro MN Peptide
M Peptide is obtained from an extract of fish cartilage and is basically made up of type 2 collagen and polysaccharides, mainly chondroitin sulphate, which is used in therapy to improve the tropism of joint cartilage. M Peptide helps to reduce glycaemia especially in patients with metabolic syndrome, obesity and type 2 diabetes.
BioDNA Cellular Marine Complex Clinical Studies

Clinical Study 1: Celergen BioDNA Cellular Marine
Complex Is Effective In Treating Basic Arthralgies (Joint Pain)
In a double blind, multicentric clinical study, 116 patients suffering from chronic spinal problems (for a period of more than 1 month), the effect of only BioDNA Cellular Marine Complex (1g/day for 40 days) was evaluated against a placebo.
The intensity of the pain, quantified on the numeric scale of Huskinson diminished by 43.6% with BioDNA Cellular Marine Complex (versus 25.4% with placebo).
The degree of functional discomfort regressed by 32.7% with BioDNA Cellular Marine Complex (versus 25.5% with placebo). The importance of the limitation of passive mobilization of the spine observed a drop of 43.3% with BioDNA Cellular Marine Complex (versus 26.9% with placebo)

Clinical Study 2a: Celergen BioDNA Cellular MarineComplex Is Effective For Osteoarthritis
In an open study, 2960 persons affected by arthrosis (inflammatory joint pain) with an average age of 61 years old, received for 1 or 2 months an association of BioDNA Cellular Marine Complex (200mg/day) and a complex of vitamins B and E.
Benefits from this treatment were seen at the end of the 1st month of treatment. Much of the pain associated with arthrosis (inflammatory joint pain) was relieved in 89.5% of the cases (21% relieved completely, and 68.5% were partially relieved).
Physical performance was improved in 83.6% of the cases.

Clinical Study 2b: Celergen BioDNA Cellular MarineComplex VS Diclofenac
The same association (BioDNA Cellular Marine Complex and vitamins B and E) was tested against Diclofenac (an anti-inflammatory, non-steroid) on a group of 67 persons affected by arthrosis (inflammatory joint pain) with average disability of the knees and hips.
With approximately 42 days of treatment, the pain was reduced by 39% with BioDNA Cellular Marine Complex has chondrostimulate (chronic arthritis) activity (versus 35% with Diclofenac), and the degree of impotence was reduced by 16.1% with BioDNA Cellular Marine Complex (versus 26.1% with Diclofenac).

Reduction in swollen joints in rheumatoid arthritis
Rheumatoid arthritis is an autoimmune inflammatory disease in which immune T cells react to type II collagen by damaging synovial membrane in the joint. The membrane slowly becomes thicker, destroying cartilage and other joint structures.
In a clinical trial conducted, hydrolyzed collagen reduced the number of swollen and tender joints in patients with severe rheumatoid arthritis. Hydrolyzed collagen is easily digested and absorbed by the body.
This, along with its ability to accumulate in cartilage, makes Peptide E Collagen a promising therapy for the treatment of rheumatoid arthritis.
Rheumatoid arthritis is an autoimmune inflammatory disease in which the synovial membrane of the joint is severely damaged. Type II collagen is the major protein in articular cartilage and is a potential auto-antigen to this disease.
In a randomized, double-blind clinical trial, hydrolyzed collagen was shown to reduce the number of swollen and tender joints in patients with severe rheumatoid arthritis. 60 patients with severe active rheumatoid arthritis reported a decrease of swollen, tender joints after consuming chicken type II collagen for 3 months without any side effects. This effect was not seen in patients who received a placebo. Four patients in the collagen group experienced a complete remission of the disease.

Clinical Study 3a: Celergen BioDNA Cellular Marine Complex Is Effective For Asthenia (Loss Of Strength And Energy)
In an open clinical study where 44 asthenic (loss of strength and energy) adults (having no less than 15 of the 60 asthenia (loss of strength and energy) symptoms present) were compared to 32 normal adults (having less than 15 of the 60 asthenia symptoms present).
The consumption of BioDNA Cellular Marine Complex by the asthenic patients reduced 62.7% of the physical asthenic symptoms and 40% of the mental asthenic symptoms.
The scores observed in the treated asthenic patients directly approached those patients seen as normal.
Almost all the asthenia symptoms (58 to 60) were improved and many of the most debilitating symptoms were particularly diminished. The action on asthenia by BioDNA Cellular Marine Complex globally is positive in 52.4% of the cases.

Clinical Study 3b: Effect Of Celergen BioDNA Cellular Marine Complex On Physical And Mental Symptoms
In a multi-centered study, a group of 688 adults (445 woman and 243 men) showed spontaneous asthenia (loss of strength and energy) during the interrogation. Those who were isolated or associated with a non-evolutionary benign organic pathology, the treatment by BioDNA Cellular Marine Complex (800mg/day for 15 days) permitted a reduction of the Behavior Rating Scale (61 criteria) of 64.5% for physical asthenia and 57.0% for mental asthenia. The amelioration was more intensely marked, than were the more severe symptoms. The global efficacy of the treatment was well evaluated by researchers in 79.1% of the cases.
Positive Effects On Mental Health
Bio-DNA Cellular Marine Complex is proven to have many positive effects on mental wellbeing, improving overall quality of life and restoring satisfaction in daily activities and social interactions.
Clinical studies show that daily intake of Bio-DNA Cellular Marine Complex significantly improves mood and offers profound relief from anxiety, sleep disturbances, memory lapses and depression.

Clinical Study 3c: Effect Of Celergen BioDNA Cellular Marine Complex On Physical Fatigue
In another open study, where it was noted that patient did not receive another anti-asthenia treatment (70% of the cases), of 6876 patient treated for 15 days by an association of BioDNA Cellular Marine Complex (400mg/day) and ascorbic acid (1g/day), fatigue at night was improved ( a reduction of more than 50% of the intense symptoms) in 82.5 % of the cases, fatigue in the morning by 82.9% of the cases, difficulty concentrating in 76.9% of the cases, trouble sleeping in 75% of the cases, and trouble with appetite in 80% of the cases.

This figure shows the effects of 800 mg/Day Bio-DNA Cellular Marine Complex
on self-reported markers of mental health in 688 subjects (average age 44 years).
After 15 days, subjects reported significant improvement in anxiety and
apprehension (32%); mental fatigue (54%); irrational fears (54%); sleep disorders
(47%); memory loss (45%); and sadness/depression (50%).
In other words Bio-DNA Cellular Marine Complex is highly effective in
improving various aspects of mental health after just 15 days without any of
the toxic side effects of commercially available mental health drugs.
Enhances Sexual Performance
As the body ages, no one will argue that their sex life is the same as it was at a younger age. It could be better, or it could be worse. Either way, it is different. Everywhere we look we see advertisements for pills to treat erectile dysfunction (ED), and it’s tempting to think that that’s the only option. But it’s important to be aware that with simple lifestyle changes, ED can be eased or even reversed.
How can Celergen help?
Celergen is the World’s Only Swiss Marine Oral Cell Therapy Supplement, clinically-proven to enhance the body’s natural ability to revitalize and heal itself. Clinical studies show that the Bio-DNA Cellular Marine Complex in Celergen reduces many of the physical symptoms of aging and enhances physical wellbeing.
These marine protein peptides combined with selected antioxidants are shown to have pro-erectile effects. This oral supplementation could be considered as a safe and effective alternative to anti-ED drugs in the case of mild-to-moderate ED. But a satisfying sex life takes a lot more than functioning body parts, it involves energy, stamina and mood.
A good sex life can be damaged by both physical and emotional issues. Sometimes they overlap, causing problems in communication that cause sexual desire to dampen. But you don’t have to live with these problems. With Celergen, and these simple lifestyle changes, you can improve and enjoy your sex life.
Celergen Is Safe And Effective For Long Term Use
The never ending advertisements for erectile dysfunction drugs seem to suggest that popping a pill guarantees a great sex life for men dealing with this challenging problem. But a satisfying sex life takes a lot more than functioning body parts, it involves energy, stamina and mood.

Improvement In Stamina During Exercise And Recuperation After Exercise
Levels of cellular enzymes and other proteins critical for energy production drop with age. Bio-DNA Cellular Marine Complex boosts enzyme levels and activity, which dramatically affects energy and stamina. Several male patients claimed that they no longer felt the need to take Viagra because of a renewed sense of vitality across the board. Clinical studies show that Bio-DNA Cellular Marine Complex boosts stamina as measured by oxygen consumption during exercise.
This figure shows the effect of Bio-DNA Cellular Marine Complex (Bio-DNA CMC) given orally for 21 days on stamina relative to placebo as measured by oxygen consumption during exercise.
At the start of the study on Day 0, average oxygen consumption in study participants was 38.3 ml/MN/kg. After 21 days of Bio-DNA CMC treatment, average oxygen consumption increased to 39.6%. In other words, Bio-DNA CMC improves stamina as measured by oxygen consumption within 3 weeks without any of the harmful side effects of steroids or other banned substances.
In a related study, 80% of the study subjects showed an improvement in their recuperation after exercise.

Clinical Study 3d: Effect Of Celergen BioDNA Cellular Marine Complex On Elderly People
Finally in an open clinical trial of 24 persons of more than 50 years of age with asthenia (loss of strength and energy) of which 16 had anorexia and 8 were chronic alcoholics, the taking of BioDNA Cellular Marine Complex (800 mg/day for 1 month) had improved the patients general state in 70% of the cases and their mental state in 63% of the cases.

Clinical Study 5: Celergen BioDNA Cellular Marine Complex Has Regenerative Action On Intellectual Development
In regard to psychomotor and biometrics of subjects with mental defects. In the course of a double blind study of 256 children between the ages of 6 and 21 with an average to profound mental defects; and who exhibited exogenous defects with an intellectual quotient (IQ) superior to 40 and a real age understanding of between 8 and 14 years, the children had benefited by gaining mental age after taking BioDNA Cellular Marine Complex (200 to 600 mg/day) for 3 months.
Postponing Cellular Ageing By Countering Damaging Effects Of Free Radicals
The free radical theory of ageing explains that we age because our cells accumulate free radical damage over time. Most biologically relevant free radicals are highly reactive and cause oxidative damage to cellular structures such as DNA, leading to cancer and age-related diseases.
In a laboratory study, Bio-DNA Cellular Marine Complex inhibits lipid peroxidation, suggesting that it is an effective antioxidant that can postpone cellular ageing by countering the harmful effects of damaging free radicals.

This figure shows the effect of 800 mg/day of Bio-DNA Cellular Marine Complex given orally for 15 days on various physical symptoms of ageing. Consumption of Bio-DNA Cellular Marine Complex led to significant reductions in self-reported muscle pain (63%); vision problems (57%); palpitations (46%); breathing difficulties (55%); flatulence (46%); dizziness and excessive sweating (62.5%).

This figure shows the effect of Bio-DNA Cellular Marine Complex on lipid peroxidation in rat hepatocytes overloaded with iron.
Treatment with a combination of vitamin E (250 mm) and Bio-DNA Cellular Marine Complex (1, 2 and 4 mg/mL) clearly offered stronger inhibition of lipid peroxidation and better protection against free radicals than either agent alone. In fact, combining vitamin E with 4 mg/mL Bio-DNA Cellular Marine Complex prevented lipid peroxidation by more than 90% in this study.
Antioxidants limit oxidative damage to biological structures by free radicals – therefore, this study suggests Bio-DNA Cellular Marine Complex is an effective antioxidant that can slow down or even postpone cellular aging by countering the harmful effects of damaging free radicals.
Peptide E Collagen
Peptide E Collagen comprises the highest premium grade quality collagen and elastin peptides from France and has been proven to reinforce skin hydration and elasticity. Peptide E Collagen polypeptides have a low molecular mass that makes it soluble in aqueous phase and fully digestible.
Made up of the 2 main components of outer skin layers, collagen and elastin, Peptide E Collagen is easily absorbed, can lift and tone slack areas, improve hydration and skin thickness, and reduce lines, wrinkles, and roughness.
Reduces Wrinkles
Dramatically firm, tighten, and smooth your skin’s appearance while significantly reducing the look of lines and wrinkles on the face, hands, neck, and décolleté.
Improves Skin Tone
Improves skin tone and reduces age spots and discolourations, leaving skin illuminated. Reconstructs damaged skin.
Celergen boosts the natural collagen synthesis by dramatically increasing density, improving elasticity, and restoring fullness, firmness, and tone.
Prevents Ageing
Prevents skin ageing due to its anti oxidative properties.
Celergen triggers cell renewal to rejuvenate the skin’s natural radiance, hydration, and luminosity. Deeply hydrates to reduce redness due to dry skin. Improves softness and supplements to give your skin an immediate glow.
UV Filtering
Enforce UV filtering capacity (260 – 280nm), which is precisely the wavelength that destroys DNA in human cells.

Reduction Of Lines And Wrinkles
Made up of the 2 main components of outer skin layers, collagen and elastin, Peptide E Collagen is easily absorbed, lifting and toning slack areas, improving hydration and skin thickness while also reducing lines, wrinkles and roughness.
This figure shows the effect of 2 grams/day of Peptide E Collagen given orally for 28 days on forearm wrinkles and crow’s feet in 43 healthy female volunteers, aged 40-55 years.
At 28 days, 71% of subjects in the Peptide E Collagen group showed a significant decrease in the number of deep wrinkles. The average deep wrinkle reduction was equal to 19%. On the other hand, the control group showed further damage to their skin in the same period with a significant increase in deep wrinkles by 28% in 82% of subjects.
In other words, Peptide E Collagen rebuilds outer skin layers from the inside out and make your skin toned, supple and well hydrated while also reducing lines, wrinkles and roughness.

This figure shows the effect of 2 grams/day of Peptide E Collagen given
orally for 28 days on forearm wrinkles and crow’s feet in 43 healthy female
volunteers, aged 40-55 years.
At 28 days, 71% of subjects in the Peptide E Collagen group showed a
significant decrease in the number of deep wrinkles. The average deep
wrinkle reduction was equal to 10%. On the other hand, the control group
showed further damage to their skin in the same period with a significant
increase in deep wrinkles by 28% in 82% of subjects.
In other words, Peptide E Collagen rebuilds outer skin layers from the
inside out and make your skin toned, supple and well hydrated while also
reducing lines, wrinkles and roughness.
Exposure to the sun’s UV radiation is a key factor that causes premature
skin aging, known as photo aging, which leads to wrinkles, skin roughness,
loss of skin elasticity, and mottled pigmentation.
Peptide M contains the same proteins and polysaccharides as the skin
– they act together to improve skin structure, hydration, texture, and
elasticity. Over time, fine lines, wrinkles, dilated capillaries, and age spots
visibly reduce, reversing sun damage.

Clinical Study: Celergen BioDNA Cellular MarineComplex VS Diclofenac
The same association (BioDNA Cellular Marine Complex and vitamins B and E) was tested against Diclofenac (an anti-inflammatory, non-steroid) on a group of 67 persons affected by arthrosis (inflammatory joint pain) with average disability of the knees and hips.
With approximately 42 days of treatment, the pain was reduced by 39% with BioDNA Cellular Marine Complex has chondrostimulate (chronic arthritis) activity (versus 35% with Diclofenac), and the degree of impotence was reduced by 16.1% with BioDNA Cellular Marine Complex (versus 26.1% with Diclofenac).

Clinical Study: Reduction In Swollen Joints In Rheumatoid Arthritis
Rheumatoid arthritis is an autoimmune inflammatory disease in which immune T cells react to type II collagen, damaging synovial membrane in the joint. The membrane slowly becomes thicker, destroying cartilage and other joint structures.
In a clinical trial conducted in 1993, hydrolyzed collagen was shown to reduce the number of swollen and tender joints in patients with severe rheumatoid arthritis. Hydrolyzed collagen is easily digested and absorbed by the body. This, along with its ability to accumulate in cartilage, makes Peptide E Collagen a powerful ingredient for alleviating the symptoms of rheumatoid arthritis.
Reduction Of Pain And Inflammation In Fibromyalgia
Fibromyalgia is the second most common rheumatologic disease condition after osteoarthritis. Peptide E Collagen actively inhibits pain transmission and reduces the discharge of inflammatory factors and neurotransmitters in the joint. Peptide E Collagen also reduces pain by allowing collagen fibers to reform, improving the overall condition of the cartilage.
Hydrolyzed collagen is also easily digested and absorbed by the body. This, along with its abilities as an analgesic, anti-inflammatory, and cartilage builder, suggests that Peptide E Collagen may be a promising therapy for treating fibromyalgia.
Adding chondroitin sulfate will improve cellular development, while glucosamine will provide cartilage protection and has an additional anti-inflammatory effect.
Hydro MN Peptide
Peptide M is a marine cartilage extract. It contains hydrolyzed proteins (mainly COLLAGEN ll) and polysaccharides (35 to 40% chondroitin sulphate). Its active contents increase with purification. Peptide N has the Glycemic Index reducing property, and, thus, is a natural mean to fight against the increasing number of overweight people and health disorders that are linked with obesity.

Clinical Study 1: Effect of Peptide N on Blood Glucose Levels After Meals
Peptide N, one of Celergen’s ingredients is a marine protein hydrolysate proven to reduce the dietary glycemic index or GI. Peptide N has been shown to prevent unhealthy body fat accumulation, which aids in maintaining a healthy body weight and reducing the risk of obesity, whilst alleviating symptoms of type II diabetes.
Glucose that enters the blood from food is used for energy production in the body’s cells, while excess glucose is transformed into fat and stored for later use. Over time this constant storage of fat leads to obesity. Second, frequent sharp, prolonged peaks of blood glucose and insulin (from high GI foods) are known to increase risk for insulin resistance and type II diabetes. On the other hand, a gradual release of blood glucose (from low GI foods) does not affect this risk and also delays hunger pangs.
This figure shows the results of a study evaluating the effects of 4 different proteins – Peptide N, fish fillet, casein milk protein and soy protein isolate – on blood glucose levels in 17 female volunteers (aged 32-64 years). Each volunteer consumed these proteins in random order, always as part of composite meals of similar macronutrient composition with a 1-week gap between each meal.
Blood samples were taken from each volunteer to assess levels of glucose, insulin and other biomarkers in the fasting state and 7 times after each meal, for up to 240 minutes.
This study found that Peptide N supplementation resulted in a significantly blunted blood glucose response than with fish fillet protein or soy protein isolate, lowering the risk of obesity and alleviating symptoms of type II diabetes. In other clinical studies, Peptide N has also been shown to reduce the appetite and promote satiety via its actions on metabolic hormones.